Overcoming Obstacles Together: Fem-powerment!

As women, we may find ourselves in tough, uncertain situations as we navigate our typically male-centric workplaces. Naturally, we may begin to question our inner thoughts, feelings, and intuition — especially as they relate to what we should or should not do; what we are or are not entitled to; what is acceptable to give to, want, or need from others at work; and what we do or do not deserve in the way of recognition and reward. This can be quite a burden to carry day to day!

When you are having a tough time figuring something out, it helps to know you are not the only one going through this particular experience. It is important to know you are not the exception or ‘odd woman out’; that your feelings and responses are natural and normal under the circumstances; and that experience will help you solve this puzzle. Faced with what may seem like an insoluble challenge, women may feel it somehow points to a personal shortcoming on our part, which may be completely untrue. The source of the issue may be the organization (systemic), or partly organizational and partly individual. Do not allow the toxicity of the workplace rob you of your natural and powerful connection to your woman’s intuition, and to your rightful human state of wholeness, resourcefulness, and self-confidence!

We need not remain prisoners in our own minds, especially if we choose to share our notes and life experiences with other women and men. How freeing it can be to vent, express, be heard, and hold space for other like-minded, like-spirited people in similar situations. How uplifting to share ideas, design solutions, and celebrate successes together. We are not alone and do not need to navigate our way unsupported. Just as you can tap into your own intuition to give you guidance, cohesive groups create a collective mental and intuitive energy that is greater than the sum of the individuals in it. Coming together, we serve as compassionate mirrors for one another, to remind us of who we are: empowered and empowering women.

A variety of local, national, international and online women’s groups abound, each with its mission and agenda; orientation and community; tone and flavor; and offerings ranging from social to professional benefits for you.We invite you to check out our own exciting and newly forming, Power to The Queen! community, through our free and fee ‘learning and connecting’ events, topical webinars, upcoming Facebook community page and this blog site.

Our mission is “To provide the perfect space for women to realize their dreams”. We offer a safe environment for talented, ambitious, compassionate professional women to share learning, growth, and connection. What the world needs now is positive feminine energy for a healthy rebalance; and your contribution to this change lies in realizing your own life vision. That’s OUR PASSION. WHAT’S YOURS? Let’s do this together. Bring your friends and colleagues with you. Have fun discovering, designing, and connecting with your ‘tribe’!

Given current conditions, women may need to act collectively as a group, either formally or informally, to press decision makers for the workplace changes you want to see. Gender inequality shows up on at least two levels: within the individual and within the organization. The ideal is to make progress by moving forward on both fronts simultaneously. As you do your part moving forward along your individual path at work, the organization moves forward along its path, often with ongoing support and pressure from employees, management, and other stakeholders who have a vested interest in seeing the women at your workplace fulfill their potential and contribution.

Supporting positive change at your workplace can benefit everyone, and it can start with you. We refer to the first two steps in Blogs 1 and 3: ‘self-awareness’ – acknowledging what you are experiencing at work; and ‘letting women (and yourself) off the hook’ – by acknowledging that women shouldn’t need to be perfect or overachieve by 200 percent to deserve fair and equal treatment. The third step is to ‘name it’ – when you observe something happening that seems wrong, enough for you to speak up, decide how and do so. This last one can be a big step for you, so be sure to get the strategic guidance and support you need to call it out in a professional and politically savvy manner. Here’s where the support of a mentor, an internal women’s leadership group, or a leadership coach can be instrumental to your success.

Let’s do it together!
Our mission at Power to the Queen! is to provide the perfect space for professional women to realize their dreams. Let us help you power through your “buts and barriers” for better, faster, easier results. Guaranteed. Get the compassionate support you need (and deserve) from our Blog site, Webinars, Workshops, and 1-on-1 Leadership Coaching. We can’t wait to hear from you! Click Here

Copyright Nancy Chen and PowertotheQueen.com, 2019