About Us

Our Beliefs

Did you ever think that what the world needs now… is one massive wave of invigoratingly positive feminine energy, to counterbalance the negative conflict and damage that pervades society today? No one can deny that talented, ambitious, compassionate women are key to creating a better life to be had, for all. Living out your personal dreams is your contribution to the cause. Our job at Power to The Queen! is to be an indispensable thought and decision partner to you, a woman who leads. With our help, you can achieve your objectives more effectively, efficiently, and easily; and pull your own seat up to the table by leveraging the untold powers of the feminine leader.

                                                 Nancy Chen, MBA, PCC* – Founder



Power to The Queen! is the women’s leadership division of Nancy Chen Leadership LLC, a consultancy that partners with organizations and individuals to strategically facilitate professional and team development.  Participants make up a unique community of women who are well-guided, primed, and poised to realize their personal and professional vision, and who contribute to a collective and organizational goal of prosperity through collaboration, diversity, and FUN!

This program complements our other leadership programs, that guide men and women professionals and teams, toward performance, managerial, and personal excellence with measurable, behavior-based results. Our background in business enables us to design and align a program to meet organizational goals. We apply a proven process and methodology:  1. Assess Needs  2. Design Development Plans  3. Implement, Track, and Measure Results. Services include live and online interactive facilitation and training, and individual or team coaching.

We consider ourselves strategic facilitators. “Strategic” because we are instrumental in helping the client achieve their most important objectives; and “Facilitators” because, rather than simply telling the client what to do, we generate their own ability to produce great decisions and outcomes consistently and independently. “Give a person a fish and they eat for a day; teach a person to fish and they eat forever.”  To contact us, Click Here

Nancy chen, MBA, PCC*

Nancy is author of the POWER TO THE QUEEN blog series, and a recognized expert in guiding women, and especially Asian women leaders, and their teams to their full potential. She leverages her own journey and 7 years’ experience in deep coaching with clients, so that they are able to overcome both internal and external challenges to success.

Clients say that Nancy helps them see the barriers they never knew existed for them as women; then clear them to get to the core of who they are, be the leader they want and need to be, and achieve their goals.

Organizational clients include Wells Fargo, Summit Materials, and IDEO. Nancy is passionate about sharing her real-world savvy, wisdom, and caring to empower other women, and coaches for social impact pro-bono when she is not playing in the Montana snow with her family and dogs.

Her masterwork in progress is the KICKASS LOTUS BLOSSOM CLUB: a book, online community, and leadership system designed to guide women to success with a cutting-edge fusion of Eastern wisdom and Western science.

After  a BA in East Asian Studies from Wesleyan University and a Marketing MBA from the Wharton School of Business, Nancy gained 12 years’ management experience on Wall Street, at IBM and American Express, and as head of learning and development for a Top 15 New York City CPA firm; and 10 years’ as an independent consultant.

Nancy is certified in Systemic Team Coaching at the Practitioner level with the Global Team Coaching Institute (GTCI); and trained in the Generative Coaching method with ICF Past President, Janet Harvey, MCC.  Nancy is noted for her warm yet direct coaching style and a quick ability to establish client trust. She engages fully to efficiently deliver lasting changes in behavior and outcomes. MBTI: ENTP; DiSC: iD.

Nancy originally hails from New York City and enjoys nature, the arts, and a lifelong Buddhist practice.  National Speaker Association Professional Member, International Coach Federation SIG Leader, and Volunteer Coach for women executives with The Coaching Fellowship. To contact Nancy, Click Here

*Candidate 2022